Saturday, 31 July 2010

- Dagger.

Friday, 30 July 2010

because of the lack of internet in my house i have had time to read...

...mostly about women artists and surrealism

life is good most of the time

lady of the house of love

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

I have no faith in politics.

Interesting things I have found whilst cleaning my room:
- Two blue condoms.
- Several pairs of pants.
- Several pairs of socks which do not belong to me.
- Two empty DVD cases which brought back long forgotten anger.
- Love notes.
- A box of hats.
- Chewing gum.
- Nicotine gum.
- A bag of dead roses.
- Lots of deodorant.


Thursday, 22 July 2010

I'm Finding It So Hard To Be Optimistic.

It's only been 42 minutes but I'm finding life so so hard without you.

- Dagger.

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

I hate people who update their facebook from festivals.
I hate people who update their facebook from work.
I hate people who owe me £1000 going to festivals when I can't afford to.
I hate people who go places without you when they know you're sitting at home in your pjs.
I hate soppy moments at train stations.
I hate being so vulnerable sometimes.

I do however, love Google Chrome and the way it checks my spelling.

- Dagger.

Sunday, 18 July 2010

The Lives Of The Lost And Found

this weekend has been about:

bands i've never heard of
adding a new wrist band to the collection
silent discos
dancing like an insane person on crazy pills
friends-old and new
lost voices
sore muscles
lack of sleep
and missing you

my god do i love the festival bubble

lady of the house of love

Saturday, 17 July 2010

I still don't understand feminism.

"Sometimes I think about those people who change their names, how much they must hate themselves, their families and their identities up until this point to want to destroy their identity and leave their name behind."
Fuck off Ellie Levenson.
You actually make me sick Ellie Levenson.

I am secure enough in my self identity to know that the ten random letters that make up my name do not define me.

- Dagger.

Monday, 12 July 2010


After four and a half days straight celebration, I am achy, sleepy, happy and not in full control of my voice.
I need to eat less cake and drink less cider.

- Dagger.

Friday, 9 July 2010

I'm About To Be Brilliant.

Today has been about:
- Not being a teenager.
- The smell of books.
- Pink unicorns.
- Balloons.
- Cake for breakfast.
- Going back to bed.
- Quick showers.
- Bars of chocolate.
- Sewing up hems.
- Pub crawls.
- Pool.
- A really hot pint of perry.
- Cheesy chips.
- The Simpsons.
- Train stations.
- Not seeing the Wurzels.
- Cider.
- Fireworks.
- Blueberry cider.

Birthdays are good.

- Dagger.

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Kiss Me Young Lover

well i passed my first year of uni!
i JUST missed a 2:1 which sucks but never mind

this is just a short message to inform you all that i may not be around for a few days as i move into my new house tomorrow and i quite possibly won't have internet for a while

so fare thee well lovers and dear readers

lady of the house of love

'77% of women feel sexier when their underarms look good.'

Who the hell are these women and how the hell do they function?

- Dagger.

Monday, 5 July 2010

What A Glorious Feeling... I'm Happy Again!

no matter how bad i feel this movie always makes me feel better

lady of the house of love

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Today Has Consisted Of:

- Trains.
- Yorkies.
- Cherry and cream cheese pastries. This sounds awful, but I assure you it is not.
- Being grateful that there are maps in central London.
- Knowing what St. Pauls' Cathedral looks like.
- Benches.
- Bridges.
- Adam and Eve.
- Cider.
- Pollock.
- Random patches of grass.
- Moving half way across London to find yet more random patches of grass.
- Harper Lee.
- Public toilets.
- McFlurries.
- Cocktails.

Today was yummy.

- Dagger.

"This Is My Life, Darling- And It's In Technicolour."

- James St. James

is it wrong that i sometimes wish i was drag queen?

lady of the house of love

Saturday, 3 July 2010


There are five constants in my life for when everything goes tits up:
- The flatmate.
- The Irish one.
- The hipster one.
- The one that always knows the words to all the songs.
- Gene Kelly.

As usual, I don't understand.

- Dagger.

I Miss You.

- Dagger.

Thursday, 1 July 2010