Thursday, 21 October 2010

I Just Want To Tell You How I'm Feeling (The One Where I Actually Do.)

- I can't talk to you about this any more. You can't see how badly you're hurting him, and quite frankly it makes you a cunt.
- I didn't particularly want to come out last night, as I didn't particularly want to stand next to three people who've seen me naked and make small talk. However, I'm truly glad we talk again, you're truly lovely to me.
- I am very, very glad we talk again. I didn't realise it'd been four years, but I remember why we were so close.
- You're amazing and I'm glad you live in my living room.
- I miss you. You have no idea how much. People tell me I will get over the relationship, and yeah, I don't miss 'us' as a concept, but I miss beardy, useless, funny, cuddly, small handed you.
- Have fun fucking in Europe. You're shit at it.
- I'm a little bit glad I'm not over thinking things.
- Something clichéd about how I thought I was different/special/meaningful.
- You're cool. And I'm sorry things are too much for me right now.

I am so sick of being hurt.

- Dagger.

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