Sunday 7 November 2010

Reasons You Are A Hypocritical Bastard:

- If what we had was so amazing, you would not want to not have it.
- If it's not black and white, if it's not even colour then it is not worth your time. We had something better than that and you know it you fucker.
- No we cannot be friends. We have not been friends for ages. We have not been friends since I stayed out with you till ten cos you did not want to go back to your mum's and I brought you chips and you broke my heart.
- "Right person wrong time" it is obviously not the wrong time for the new girl you are fucking.

You hurt me so fucking much and I cannot fucking tell you because you do not fucking care.
The last time I saw you you told me we would probably get back together cos how could we not? we're never going to find someone that's better for us.

I bet she has really long hair and really big boobs. You fucker.

This is such a drunk, angry fucking hurt blog post.

- Dagger.

1 comment:

  1. we'll be okay lovely... happiness is owed to us

