Thursday, 11 June 2009

Slob is the new black

my college friends and i are starting a new trend

it came about after we all came into college wearing our sunday worst ready to help put up our exhibition which included lots of sandpapering and painting
here we are before the paint, and before a bagel

and here we are after
don't we look lovely
see i told you slob is the new black

random fact of the day- i just spent £25 on a new bra... its shocking but at least i have something to wear to the after show party and my tin bath turned up!
today has been rather good so far
'Thursday I don't care about you'
lady of the house of love


1 comment:

  1. It's a pnb5. Yws it is.
    You always loooooook sexy. MISS YOU <3
