Friday, 30 April 2010


- Dagger.

The Things I've Never Touched

looking at this gets me a little too excited

-Alexis Mabille

why don't my panels ever match like this?

lady of the house of love


I don't understand the concept of monogamous straight relationships.
I don't understand why you try and label everything. Why can't we just share films and ice cream and each others bodies and just be happy?


Thursday, 29 April 2010

Automatic Joy

oh Alan how i love you

lady of the house of love

My Head Hurts.


- I ate too much sherbet. Sherbet sherbet sherbet.
- I wore a really short skirt.
- I will drink.
- I will dance.
- I am hopeful.
- I did lunch.
- I saw my flatmate in the library and talked to her for an hour, despite the fact that we live together.
- I wish there was more sherbet.
- I actually did some pattern cutting.
- I tried.

What should I wear tonight?

- Dagger.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

I Am So Angry.

And apparently I am so difficult to be around.
And evidently not worth the effort.

I don't know how to change to be who you want me to be.

- Dagger.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

You'll Play And I'll Sing

i'm pretty sure my boobs have gotten bigger...
... i might have to buy one of these to keep them in place

lady of the house of love

Monday, 26 April 2010

- Dagger.

Last Night:

- I drunk cider.
- I missed the one who makes films. I don't feel he appreciated the drunken phone call.
- I danced to Blink 182.
- I skanked to Madness.
- I had a really sweet phone conversation with a really sweet girl.
- I got offered £1,000,000 for a threesome. I declined.
- Everyone kept looking at my boob tattoo.
- I got told I seemed 'rather bisexual'.
- I told a policeman I wanted to see him naked.

Last night was a good night.

This morning I realised I don't have my partners number saved in my phone anymore, and that my mood ring tells me I'm always feeling romantic.

- Dagger.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

You Know How Us Catholic Girls Can Be

...time for confession

lady of the house of love

I Can't See Much Of A Future

Today I am ever so happy.

- Dagger.

- Dagger.

"Fantasy love is much better than reality love. Never doing it is very exciting. The most exciting attractions are between two opposites that never meet." -A.W.

- Dagger.

Saturday, 24 April 2010

I Am Not Okay.

- Dagger.

Mirror Image

i think i know what sort of designer i want to be

and yes you are very talented on ukulele

lady of the house of love

Today I Feel Beautiful Even Though I Am Not.

- Dagger.

Friday, 23 April 2010

It's Funny How The Colors Of The Real World Only Seem Really Real When You Viddy Them On The Screen.

Love is embarrassing and painful.
And no one will ever love you back.

- Dagger.

Tell Her That You Love Her

i want to kiss you in the middle of a crowded street

we'd stop traffic

lady of the house of love

Thursday, 22 April 2010

A Feeling You Can't Describe

lady of the house of love

I miss you.

- Dagger.

Head Over Feet

"You treat me like I'm a princess
I'm not used to liking that
You ask how my day was
Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your fault
Your love is thick and it swallowed me whole
You're so much braver than I gave you credit for"

this song is lame and so am i... but we all knew this anyway

lady of the house of love

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

The Alphabet Project

- Dagger.

My Year In Lists

i'm sorry i haven't blogged in a few days... i haven't had much to say i'm afraid

and anyway everyone knows that you only read this blog to see what Dagger has been up to

my life isn't very exciting

and i'm not very witty

lady of the house of love

I Wish I Had Long Hair.

Am I really that unbearable that probably the best relationship I've ever been is is failing after a month?

- Dagger.

Monday, 19 April 2010

The Person Who Invented The Concept Of Shoes Needs To Fuck Off.

Today has been hard.

But I am laying in bed and I finally feel happy and strong and sorry.

- Dagger.


- I was self conscious.
- I made a jacket.
- I spent two hours gathering 80m of calico.
- I can't decide if it was worth spending two hours gathering 80m of calico.
- We made vegetarian sausage sandwiches. You have no idea how orgasmic they were.
- I got inspired.
- I sorted stuff out.
- I washed my hair.
- I cried a lot.
- I got hit on in the co-op.
- I laughed about the awkward-ness of tights.

- Dagger.

The Text Message I Never Sent.

Yeah. Thanks for ignoring me by the way. Don't worry about me. I'm just sitting here in my pjs crying. Nothing special. Oh, but my jacket is going well. Looks snazzy. I hope you enjoy London. Fucking liar. I had a dream last night I had long brown hair and I was brushing it and it made me happy. I'm sorry I don't make you happy anymore. I try. But she is right you know. I think I'm going to go out tonight and get as drunk as possible and kiss as many boys as possible. So yeah, text me back right? J.

Oh, I don't mean half of that.

- Dagger.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Today I wish I had long flippy hair I could tie up in a pony tail.
I'd brush it lots and plait it lots and generally be very happy.


Wednesday, 14 April 2010

The Day Won't Break

i seem to have lost ALL motivation...

so now i'm going to get drunk instead of pattern cutting the trousers i should have done yesterday

my goodness i can practically taste the failure

lady of the house of love

Monday, 12 April 2010

"I Love You Because You Don't Have A Penis"

lady of the house of love
Last night we made burgers and listened to Sum 41.
My fourteen year old self was practically giddy with happiness.

- Dagger.

Saturday, 10 April 2010

You Are So Far From Me

-Edward Loxton Knight
i saw this in a book and fell in love

lady of the house of love

Friday, 9 April 2010

my excuse for not doing any work today is that i need sticky tape and a tape measure

and i've come to the conclusion that i'm a driveling piece of mush that can no longer function on her own

lady of the house of love

Lay Me Down

"i have died happy
and lived to tell the tale to you.
i have slept for forty years
and woke to find me gone.
i woke safe and warm in your arms."
-joanna newsom

i am bored and i can't get motivated

and i can't wait to here your voice and see your face

lady of the house of love

"Rock and roll doesn't necessarily mean a band. It doesn't mean a singer, and it doesn't mean a lyric, really. It's that question of trying to be immortal." -M.M.

Don't worry, we will remember you. And we miss you already.

- Dagger.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Mr Daddy Long Legs They're At It Agin

my copy of the new Joanna Newsom album turned up today... i'm enjoying it so far

apparently my eyesight is getting worse though...but i get some shiny new glasses on saturday which is coincidentally the day my girl comes home to me

lady of the house of love

I have a really nasty feeling no one reads what I write anymore.

- Dagger.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Birds Are Singing To Calm Us Down

today i received some post
it was lovely

i'm writing this because i'm waiting for my washing... 4 minutes and counting

lady of the house of love

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Enchanted... I Am, By You

-Pierre Cardin

lady of the house of love

Today I do not feel pretty and I have nothing to wear.


Monday, 5 April 2010

Love Long Distance

i feel this should hurry up and get in my wardrobe
changing the subject: you are far away and i will continue to miss your face and everything connected to that, until you return to me

on a brighter note, today has been quite productive so far and the sun is finally coming out

lady of the house of love

All I do is dream of you the whole night through; with the dawn I still go on, dreaming of you. You're every thought, you're everything, you're every song I ever sing; summer, winter, autumn and spring. And were there more than twenty four hours a day; they'd be spent in sweet content dreaming away; when skies are grey, when skies are blue; morning, noon and night time too; all I do the whole day through is dream of you.

Sunday, 4 April 2010

It Breaks

tattooists seem to have a habit of cancelling on me

this makes lady sad

lady of the house of love

Saturday, 3 April 2010


it is a saturday night and i shall be staying in alone watching films and knitting
and maybe drowing my sorrows with the ice cream i've just discovered in the freezer

i decided its okay for me to eat junk cos i bought a lot of veggies today... it balences it out you see

lady of the house of love

I Touch Myself Til Its Alright

i'm bored,

so i'm blogging and listening to lady gaga.

i should probably do some work.

i miss you already....

lady of the house of love
This morning I brought the campest fabric. It's pink and has drawings of Brighton pier on it. It makes me very happy.

This morning I brought a cute dress in the H&M sale.

This morning I wore heels.

This morning I realised I am okay with being a size 14.

This morning I had chocolate for breakfast. It is Easter, after all.

This morning I wished you were in my bed.

This morning my thighs ache.

This morning I am blogging on the cutest notebook ever, and I am very grateful for it being left in my living room.

- Dagger.


Friday, 2 April 2010

Be A Man

i went to the imperial war is a little something i picked up. it made me smile

lady of the house of love

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Breakfast In Bed.

Things I like:
- The feeling of a freshly shaved scalp.
- Bread.
- Watching people film things.
- Watching people film things that I've made.
- Bold eyebrows.
- Paisley dressing gowns.
- £5 dresses.
- Long phone converstions.
- Feeling beautiful.

I am also quite fond of lists.


For Me And My Gal

i'm pretty sure it was destiny that i met you

lady of the house of love