Sunday, 30 January 2011

Last Night Was Horrid.

And today I am glad I am not your girlfriend.

Either of you.

- Dagger.

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Friday, 28 January 2011

Nervous Company

i want to make out with hot chicks like this

lady of the house of love


Sometimes I wonder why we aren't together already.

- Dagger.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Oh My Broken Heart Songs

 i miss having a shaved head

lady of the house of love

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Sunday, 23 January 2011

A Spoon Full Of Sugar

last night i got some really terrible news... and since then that's all i can think about

lady of the house of love

Friday, 21 January 2011


- Iraq enquiry.
- Reading about Greek Tragedy.
- Old ladies dresses.
- Walks in the park.
- Swans.
- Muddy feet.
- Sunsets.
- Salt and vinegar crisps.
- Toad in the hole.
- Gorgeous cinematography.
- COD jokes.

- Dagger.

Last Night:

- Police.
- The Worlds Inn.
- Closed clubs.
- House music.
- Drugs dogs.
- Train tickets.
- Station toilets.
- The Evening Standard.
- Yorkies.
- Central line.
- Soho.
- G-A-Y.
- Whitney Huston.
- Villiage.
- Shinia Twain.
- "I have out-gayed my self"
- Finally finding some good music.
- Dancing in a basement.
- Making train friends.

I wish I'd got her number.

- Dagger.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

See Billy Idol Gets It I Don't Understand Why She Doesn't

i have far too much to do and far too little time to do it in-

tidy room, shave legs, wash hair, cut nails, re do patterns, finish samples, sew 2nd toile, work out what to wear, do pattern cutting exercises, finalise print, paint nails, wash clothes, wash towels, go out thursday, go out friday, go out saturday, stay in and drink sunday, entertain guests, look fabulous, go to uni, get tattooed

this weekend is going to be hell... but hopefully amazing

lady of the house of love

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

The Edge Of A Beautiful Thing

 never google nurses uniform... never google female police officer uniform either for that matter

lady of the house of love

Monday, 17 January 2011

I don't miss sex, I just miss being kissed with feeling.

- Dagger.

We Need More Post Coital And Less Post Rock

lady of the house of love


- Early morning e-mails.
- Interesting conversations.
- Walks in the rain.
- Head shots.
- Seeing old friends.
- Hot chocolate.
- Lemon meringue pie.
- Successful fittings.
- Getting home by six.

Productive day.

- Dagger.

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Sometimes. Words Fail.

lady of the house of love

You're Amazing Josse Geller.

Everyone keeps telling me I'll be fine. But what if I'm not. What if one day I just die of a broken heart.

- Dagger.

Friday, 14 January 2011

I Knew I Would Find A Much Better Place, With Or Without You

so tonight i'm actually wearing something that isn't black and i just painted my nails peach... i'm concerned that something is seriously wrong with me

lady of the house of love

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

do you remember that time we posted saying we were looking at our blog?!

i've just realised that i say 'actually' far too often

i wish the 'memorable stories' thing on facebook would go away and stop ruining my life

lady of the house of love

I am watching a film where Hugh Grant gets married and has a baby.

- This shirt proves I am a proper gay woman.
- I probably should just tell them to fuck off.
- John, you're right, Cameron is a wanker.
- I still like talking to you. Come here and watch films and enjoy the mess and not really mind about my hairy legs. 
- I wish I could call you and tell you to come and watch EuroTrash with me.
- I always forget how much you love me, and how breathtakingly cute you are.
- My flatmate should come home soon.
- Operaoperaoperaoperaoperaopera.
- I do actually miss you, and it's not the same without you. Let's do coffee and knit together.

- Dagger.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Monday, 10 January 2011

Keep Your Photos

"  guess its time i grow up, i better find a job and somebody to love.
with all my heart i know that i don;t fit the mould... all my friends, they all feel the same..."
-Joe Summers

lady of the house of love

Sunday, 9 January 2011

My Last Night:

- Taking apart blinds.
- Having a drag of a cigarette and hating it.
- Eating an apple on the way.
- Sharing a bottle of wine.
- French Caramel.
- Going from the Bakers to the Tram.
- Rearranging sofas.
- Drinking white wine.
- Toasting to theatre design.
- Dancing.
- Drunk second years.
- "Can a have a bottle of white wine and a packet of salt and vinegar crisps?"
- The ginger one.
- Tenison Road.
- Kitchens with no carpets.
- Stoned flat mates.
- Fosters in the spoon drawer.
- A cup of sweat tea in a stolen mug.
- Funky Kingston.

Good night.

- Dagger.

She Climbs A Tree And Scrapes Her Knee

this is my attempt at trying to recall the events of last night:

-almost freezing
-getting in for free
-pretending we knew people to get in for free
-noticing all the short men
-not buying a drink all night
-smelly toilets
-staggering around on 4inch heels
-free vodka
-free jaegerbombs
-running away from scary guys trying to chat us up
-lots of laughter 
-falling over in the street in front of sober people
-cutting my knee yet not getting a hole in my tights
-borrowing tshirts
-talking til 4 in the morning
-stealing the duvet
-headaches and toast
-doing the walk of shame without shoes

lady of the house of love

You actually make me feel dizzy.

- Dagger.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Friday, 7 January 2011

My Carpet Is Crawling With Crocodiles

i think it might be possible that you sneaked out of the house while i was getting milk... what's that all about?

lady of the house of love

Thursday, 6 January 2011

How can you be fine when I still cry about you every single day?

- Dagger.

Not Exactly New Years Resolutions:

- Maintain tidy bedroom.
- Continue not drinking cider.
- Continue not smoking.
- Replace sex with exorcise. 
- Learn how to spell exorcise.
- Continue only kissing the right girls, even if that means not kissing girls very often.
- Do the washing up more often.
- Put on clothes that aren't pyjamas more often, even when not leaving the house.

- Dagger.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Romance Is Boring

today i spoke softly, saw some art and read in coffee was a perfect drama-less day

and i'm smiling for no apparent reason 

lady of the house of love

Monday, 3 January 2011

Horse In A Hayless Barn

last night i actually made out with someone to Lionel Richie.... i am a baaaaaad person

lady of the house of love

Saturday, 1 January 2011


I am pretty sure I will never have sex again.

- Dagger.