Wednesday, 17 February 2010

White Blank Page

i have had 4 hours sleep
why oh why must i always leave everything to the last minute?
but i handed in everything on time and i even received a compliment

next 2 weeks = group project
because we were talking about this-
i wish all my silver ware hovered above the floor like this -not that i own silver ware but you get the idea

...and after my hand in i can even spend an evening with Decanter and not make 'twisty noises' about not doing work

lady of the house of love

1 comment:

  1. 'why oh why must i always leave everything to the last minute?'
    Because, my dearest darling, you simply do not plan things out.

    Were you with me when I saw that installation? I have the memory of an old lady.

    Love! <3
