"There was a hunter once, near here, that trapped a wolf in a pit. This wolf had massacred the sheep and goats; eaten up a mad old man who used to live by himself in a hut halfway up the mountian ad sing to Jesus all day; pounced on a girl looking after the sheep, but she made such a commotion that men came with riffles and scared him away and tried to track him into the forest but he was cunning and easily gave them the slip. So this hunter dug a pit and put a duck in it, for bait, all alive-oh; and he covered the pit with straw smeared with wolf dung. Quack, quack! went the duck and a wolf came slinking out of the forest, a big one, a heavy one, he weighed as much as a grown man and the straw gave way beneath him- into the pit he tumbled. The hunter jumped down after him, to slit his throat, cut off all his paws for a trophy.
And then no wolf at all lay in front of the hunter but the bloody trunk of a man, headless, footless, dying, dead."
-Extract from 'The Company of Wolves' by Angela Carter.
One day I will write as well and have hair as cool as Angela Carter.
- Dagger.
And then no wolf at all lay in front of the hunter but the bloody trunk of a man, headless, footless, dying, dead."
-Extract from 'The Company of Wolves' by Angela Carter.
One day I will write as well and have hair as cool as Angela Carter.
- Dagger.
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