Friday, 24 July 2009

Kinda Dancing Though Not At All

it would seem that this blog, although it was started with the intenions of becoming a fashion blog has morphed into a mixture of our love lives, our habits, our conversations and maybe a tiny bit of fashion, even though most of it is fetish based.

but anyway i feel the need to share on particular convo with you, this happened aprox. 10 minutes ago via facebook... damn facebook

E: so how's the job going? find anything else?

S: i found a watch the other day lol

E: lol nice?

S:nah its barbie lol but im wearing it

E: i can imagine you can pull it off quite well haha

S:lol i guess thats a compliment lol
well im offskies

E: kk then have fun

S: chat soon
bye buddy

the moral of the story is, i epic fail: at life

i'm sorry dear reader, i'm feeling quite angsty this eve

lady of the house of love

1 comment:

  1. "i epic fail: at life

    Quote of the day.

