Saturday, 5 September 2009

Every Me And Every You

"I hate fashion as much as i love it. I'm seduced bu it but i believe that ultimately it makes you feel unhappy with yourself. so I've always tried to be humorous with it and critical of it."

so today i went to the Rankin Retrospective
i actually love brick lane
i got two super cute necklaces
(i'll post a picture later)

and then i had a salad at pizza express

and then we went to the Jeffery West shop
i want a shop where the walls are covered in red velvet

and then i had some tea and a lemon cup cake

and on the way home i fell in love with a strange boy who was staring at me on the central line
his stare made me feel slightly sick
and as i was getting off the train i smiled at him
his clothes didn't match, his shoes were scuffed and he made me feel uneasy but my god he was stunning

J; 'you should have licked his face and then been like 'oh sorry i couldn't help myself. you see the thing is we'd have stunning children'
E:'oh i wish i did say that, it would have made a great story to tell the kids lol'
J: 'you should have gone with the whole 'see, this is why we should have sex theory.'

i love the text messages my friends send me

lady of the house of love


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