Thursday, 24 September 2009

A Time To Be So Small

so i am now officially a university student!
i am pleasantly surprised at how nice my room is
and i have a big shopping list of things to get today as i am pretty much food less but i'm meeting up with someone from college as i pretty much don't know where anything is here!

i'm also totally on my own in my flat right now which you could say is bad times... i've had music on constantly since my mum left... i don't want to dwell on that too much cos i'll probably cry again

but whilst i was making pasta last night i noticed that i have the most stunning view from the kitchen, look on and bask in its glory:

sorry about the horrid picture but the windows don't open enough to take a picture lol
i still don't have any i.d so i won't be going out this weekend but never mind as long as i get it for freshers i'll be fine

lady of the house of love

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