back in leicester
my god the weather has turned cold...i am not impressed by this
Decanter and i had a very lovely and busy weekened
i might share some of my exhibition photos with you all
we decided to quit uni, move in with my family and become high class escorts
lady of the house of love
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Friday, 26 March 2010
The Physical Act Of Love.
Under Your Spell
to my dear readers-
today i am travelling to the far away world of essex and home
so you may not hear from me for a few days
but i promise i will have lots of exciting things to tell you about when i get back to sunny leicester
i hope you all have a fabulous weekend
lady of the house of love
today i am travelling to the far away world of essex and home
so you may not hear from me for a few days
but i promise i will have lots of exciting things to tell you about when i get back to sunny leicester
i hope you all have a fabulous weekend
lady of the house of love
Thursday, 25 March 2010
I Must Above All Things Love Myself

i need to pack and tidy and do my washing but now i want a nap
and i got caught in the rain
but my will and grace dvds came today so its all good
lady of the house of love
drunken behaviour,
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Say You Still Adore Me

i have had a fabulous day
hence everyone else has had a shit one.
i'm not meant to be happy-
i throw off the natural balance of the world
lady of the house of love
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Monday, 22 March 2010
i want to create beatiful things like this-
i like it when i have a productive day
i might compile that playlist we discussed in celebration

i like it when i have a productive day
i might compile that playlist we discussed in celebration
lady of the house of love
A short time ago, not far from here, lived a young girl who wore
Brown ribbons in her hair. She lived in a small, run down
Cottage with her father.
Ever go into the forest alone” he warned her. But she knew no
Fear. So into the forest she
Goes, with her
Hair all done up in ribbons.
“I shall be okay”, she said to herself, “for I have all these birds and
Jack rabbits, and this great
Knife to protect me.” She was yet to
Lose her innocence, and her
Mother was never there to teach her the dangers of the forest. It wasn’t until the
Owls started calling that she realised it was
Past her home time. How
Quiet it has become! How dark it has become! She knows she must avoid the urge to
She knows she must keep
To the path, but her feet keep getting tangled in the
Undergrowth. And she pulls her
Velvet cape close around her and hopes there are no
Wolves near by. Wolves with their
X-ray vision, and their big, big claws. And she tries to
Yell for her father, and hopes the wolf is not
Zealous in the devouring of her virgin flesh.
- Dagger.
Brown ribbons in her hair. She lived in a small, run down
Cottage with her father.
Ever go into the forest alone” he warned her. But she knew no
Fear. So into the forest she
Goes, with her
Hair all done up in ribbons.
“I shall be okay”, she said to herself, “for I have all these birds and
Jack rabbits, and this great
Knife to protect me.” She was yet to
Lose her innocence, and her
Mother was never there to teach her the dangers of the forest. It wasn’t until the
Owls started calling that she realised it was
Past her home time. How
Quiet it has become! How dark it has become! She knows she must avoid the urge to
She knows she must keep
To the path, but her feet keep getting tangled in the
Undergrowth. And she pulls her
Velvet cape close around her and hopes there are no
Wolves near by. Wolves with their
X-ray vision, and their big, big claws. And she tries to
Yell for her father, and hopes the wolf is not
Zealous in the devouring of her virgin flesh.
- Dagger.
Sunday, 21 March 2010
'Lisa has been going out with Jimmy for almost four months. She is 19 and works in a hairdressing salon. Jimmy came in for a haircut, they got chatting and he asked her out. She says "I fancied him at once, he's just my type, and I was really pleased when he asked me if I'd like to go and see a film with him. But when it came to the Saturday night I was very nervous. When you don't know someone it's always awkward at first. You wonder if he's going to make a move, and if he doesn't, will it be because he doesn't want to blow it, or because he doesn't fancy you after all. You spend ages worrying about what to wear and what to say, because you want to look your best and not make an idiot out of yourself... In the end, with Jimmy it was okay. After the film, he suggested getting something to eat and it was really easy to talk to him. By the end of the evening, it felt like we'd known each other for ages and it just seemed normal when he said he'd call me the next day.
All Sunday I was a nervous wreck waiting for the phone to ring and by six in the evening, I was sure it wasn't. I felt really miserable, so when he did call at 7:30 to suggest going out for a drink I felt almost lightheaded, and I went from total gloom to total happiness.
Later on, I confessed I'd thought he'd changed his mind and he explained that he hadn't been able to ring earlier; he'd had to get hold of some mates to let them know he wasn't going to meet them as he'd previously arranged. So, I began to hope that he felt the same way as I did.
How did I feel? It's hard to put into words. I don't think I was actually in love with him at that stage, but I know I could be falling in love. I knew I wanted to go on seeing him. I was sexually attracted to him. I wanted him to kiss me, and I wanted to make love to him. But, at the same time, I was frightened about being in a situation where sex could be an issue just in case he didn't want a girlfriend, just someone to take to bed."
Lisa and Jimmy went out together four more times before they made love. Lisa says: "It seems dreadful when you think about it like that, but it just seemed very natural. By that time we'd admitted how we felt about each other and we'd talked so much that it was as if we'd been going out for ages. It felt good just being together. So, making love seemed right and it just made everything more intense, more perfect".'
Extract from 'The 6 Stages Of Love' from 'Woman's World, June, 1990.
All Sunday I was a nervous wreck waiting for the phone to ring and by six in the evening, I was sure it wasn't. I felt really miserable, so when he did call at 7:30 to suggest going out for a drink I felt almost lightheaded, and I went from total gloom to total happiness.
Later on, I confessed I'd thought he'd changed his mind and he explained that he hadn't been able to ring earlier; he'd had to get hold of some mates to let them know he wasn't going to meet them as he'd previously arranged. So, I began to hope that he felt the same way as I did.
How did I feel? It's hard to put into words. I don't think I was actually in love with him at that stage, but I know I could be falling in love. I knew I wanted to go on seeing him. I was sexually attracted to him. I wanted him to kiss me, and I wanted to make love to him. But, at the same time, I was frightened about being in a situation where sex could be an issue just in case he didn't want a girlfriend, just someone to take to bed."
Lisa and Jimmy went out together four more times before they made love. Lisa says: "It seems dreadful when you think about it like that, but it just seemed very natural. By that time we'd admitted how we felt about each other and we'd talked so much that it was as if we'd been going out for ages. It felt good just being together. So, making love seemed right and it just made everything more intense, more perfect".'
Extract from 'The 6 Stages Of Love' from 'Woman's World, June, 1990.
Friday, 19 March 2010
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Just Haven't Earned It Yet Baby
i have been feeling all mushy and emotional lately
so this is for Dagger:
we always said that one day we would become so alike that we would merge into one person but it would seem that we have switched rolls and have become each other instead-
we are the straight girl and the gay girl and the art girl and the fashion girl; the skinhead and the punk; the poetry composer and the illustrator; the model and photographer; the social recluse and the party goer; the hardworker and the sloth but most of all we are the friends who i hope will be friends for a very long time
it makes me happy knowing that you are as happy as i am
i will love you always
and i miss you
lady of the house of love
so this is for Dagger:
we always said that one day we would become so alike that we would merge into one person but it would seem that we have switched rolls and have become each other instead-
we are the straight girl and the gay girl and the art girl and the fashion girl; the skinhead and the punk; the poetry composer and the illustrator; the model and photographer; the social recluse and the party goer; the hardworker and the sloth but most of all we are the friends who i hope will be friends for a very long time
it makes me happy knowing that you are as happy as i am
i will love you always
and i miss you
lady of the house of love
"Under This Mask, Another...
...I Will Never Finish Lifting Up All These Faces"
this woman inspires me more than i can say
lady of the house of love
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
The Woman Who Went Walking With A Wolf.

"There was a hunter once, near here, that trapped a wolf in a pit. This wolf had massacred the sheep and goats; eaten up a mad old man who used to live by himself in a hut halfway up the mountian ad sing to Jesus all day; pounced on a girl looking after the sheep, but she made such a commotion that men came with riffles and scared him away and tried to track him into the forest but he was cunning and easily gave them the slip. So this hunter dug a pit and put a duck in it, for bait, all alive-oh; and he covered the pit with straw smeared with wolf dung. Quack, quack! went the duck and a wolf came slinking out of the forest, a big one, a heavy one, he weighed as much as a grown man and the straw gave way beneath him- into the pit he tumbled. The hunter jumped down after him, to slit his throat, cut off all his paws for a trophy.
And then no wolf at all lay in front of the hunter but the bloody trunk of a man, headless, footless, dying, dead."
-Extract from 'The Company of Wolves' by Angela Carter.
One day I will write as well and have hair as cool as Angela Carter.
- Dagger.
And then no wolf at all lay in front of the hunter but the bloody trunk of a man, headless, footless, dying, dead."
-Extract from 'The Company of Wolves' by Angela Carter.
One day I will write as well and have hair as cool as Angela Carter.
- Dagger.
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
63 dogs on a lead.
Sky toilets open till late.
A white swan opposite a cat flap.
Sundays to Thursdays only, all illness cured.
37 faulty lights.
Vincent, wash and dry your duvet where the sun always shines!
- Dagger.
Sky toilets open till late.
A white swan opposite a cat flap.
Sundays to Thursdays only, all illness cured.
37 faulty lights.
Vincent, wash and dry your duvet where the sun always shines!
- Dagger.
Today I Wore Quite A Pretty Dress And Ate Too Much Cake.
Monday, 15 March 2010
Fishbones Dreaming.
I’m rubbish at goodbyes. Ideally I’d never let you leave. But you grab me at the station and kiss me all over my face. I lent you fifty pence for a packet of crisps and I thought I’d never see you again. I realise there is something potentially quite romantic about all this, but I can’t quite grasp it. I laugh through your lips, you’re looking right back at me. I open my eyes.
I hardly know you, yet we know each other so well. “I like looking at you. You make beautiful faces.” You laugh and it’s such an ugly sound. You hold my hands and it made me smile so much I think you changed your mind. I have to keep myself from asking stupid questions and ruining whats just happened. Somehow we giggle and we end up kissing again. I give up to watch American TV.
I'm not sure what I think of this?
- Dagger.
I hardly know you, yet we know each other so well. “I like looking at you. You make beautiful faces.” You laugh and it’s such an ugly sound. You hold my hands and it made me smile so much I think you changed your mind. I have to keep myself from asking stupid questions and ruining whats just happened. Somehow we giggle and we end up kissing again. I give up to watch American TV.
I'm not sure what I think of this?
- Dagger.
This Morning:
- I failed at making porridge.
- I realised I can actually spell porridge.
- I successfully washed my hair with the little bits out of the bottom of about five different shampoo bottles.
- I accidentally plucked a massive hole into one of my eyebrows.
- I felt a bit sick.
- I found all the books I need to give back to the library.
- I am not worried about money.
- I'm wearing really quite nice underwear.
- I have listened to far too many Bad Manners songs.
- I feel like a giggly sixteen year old again.
- I really abuse Blogger's spell check system.
- I'm really really really happy.
I abuse lists.
- Dagger.
- I realised I can actually spell porridge.
- I successfully washed my hair with the little bits out of the bottom of about five different shampoo bottles.
- I accidentally plucked a massive hole into one of my eyebrows.
- I felt a bit sick.
- I found all the books I need to give back to the library.
- I am not worried about money.
- I'm wearing really quite nice underwear.
- I have listened to far too many Bad Manners songs.
- I feel like a giggly sixteen year old again.
- I really abuse Blogger's spell check system.
- I'm really really really happy.
I abuse lists.
- Dagger.
Sunday, 14 March 2010
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Things that impress me:
- Not having to be on set till 12.
- Getting up at eight anyway and deciding to go to work.
- The way me heart feels every time someone says 'action'
- Kirby grips.
- Red lipstick.
- Extreme close ups.
- Fully charged laptops.
- Strawberry laces.
- Nice biscuits.
- Flesh coloured tights.
- The pleasant weather.
- Not having to hoover my purple suits.
- Dagger.
- Not having to be on set till 12.
- Getting up at eight anyway and deciding to go to work.
- The way me heart feels every time someone says 'action'
- Kirby grips.
- Red lipstick.
- Extreme close ups.
- Fully charged laptops.
- Strawberry laces.
- Nice biscuits.
- Flesh coloured tights.
- The pleasant weather.
- Not having to hoover my purple suits.
- Dagger.
Never Be Content
i'm totally gonna get kicked out of uni for not doing enough work
lady of the house of love
lady of the house of love
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Broke Away
"I am interested in the body and by extension in clothes. Clothes are connected to sex and identity. Fashion is an expression about how we feel about ourselves and what we want from others."
-Louise Bourgeois
lady of the house of love
-Louise Bourgeois
lady of the house of love
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
The Rest Of The World Has Gone Home
I left to get a zip at half eleven this morning.
I got back at about half three with a zip, a new coat, and some paint on my foot.
Oh, how I love my life.
I got back at about half three with a zip, a new coat, and some paint on my foot.
Oh, how I love my life.
Sunday, 7 March 2010
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Friday, 5 March 2010

The best thing is to wear pantyhose or some pants under a short skirt, I think. Then you have the pants under the skirt and then you can pull the stockings up over the pants underneath the skirt. And you can always take off the skirt and use it as a cape.
We have a pizza box under our coffee table.
I don't even remember the last time we had pizza.
- Dagger.
Thursday, 4 March 2010
My Lips Are Bleeding From Kissing You Goodbye
i'm going home tomorrow
and i'm actually looking forward to it
yesterday i was given my brief for my last project as a first year
and i'm really not looking forward to that
lady of the house of love
and i'm actually looking forward to it
yesterday i was given my brief for my last project as a first year
and i'm really not looking forward to that
lady of the house of love
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
It Seems My Feet Can't Stand The Ground No More
i can't believe i have so many amazing people in my life right now
lady of the house of love
lady of the house of love
Monday, 1 March 2010
Too Late To Go Back To Sleep
Today I do not feel pretty even though I washed my hair.
I greatly dislike this, but have some poetry:
The pavement is uneven. Not cobble stones, great big slabs of pavement.
I start counting them as I walk along. I try not to step on the cracks.
Black bricks. A pub. I wonder if she ever went there alone. A couple lean against the wall and smoke and talk. I look back at the floor.
I must cross the road. Stop and look both ways. Parked cars along one side, their number plates all facing the same way.
I step down the curb. It’s slightly icy in the road, where no one has walked yet. Dotted lines.
I reach the other side unharmed.
Little houses with picket fences. It would be delightful if it wasn’t for the graffiti everywhere.
Little gardens with little ponds and little gnomes.
I pass a row of shops. A florist that will look so pretty, full of tulips, later, when the sun is shining.
But now, the shutters are drawn. I’m glad it’s early, and I’m gad I’m alone.
She lives above a shop. I do too.
A red door beside a newsagents. The paint is peeling and the door frame is old.
I am made to take my shoes off.
I greatly dislike this, but have some poetry:
The pavement is uneven. Not cobble stones, great big slabs of pavement.
I start counting them as I walk along. I try not to step on the cracks.
Black bricks. A pub. I wonder if she ever went there alone. A couple lean against the wall and smoke and talk. I look back at the floor.
I must cross the road. Stop and look both ways. Parked cars along one side, their number plates all facing the same way.
I step down the curb. It’s slightly icy in the road, where no one has walked yet. Dotted lines.
I reach the other side unharmed.
Little houses with picket fences. It would be delightful if it wasn’t for the graffiti everywhere.
Little gardens with little ponds and little gnomes.
I pass a row of shops. A florist that will look so pretty, full of tulips, later, when the sun is shining.
But now, the shutters are drawn. I’m glad it’s early, and I’m gad I’m alone.
She lives above a shop. I do too.
A red door beside a newsagents. The paint is peeling and the door frame is old.
I am made to take my shoes off.
Love That Will Not Betray You, Dismay Or Enslave You,
It Will Set You Free
it would seem that there is an awkward conversation on the cards for when i go home this weekend
lady of the house of love
it would seem that there is an awkward conversation on the cards for when i go home this weekend
lady of the house of love
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