but i'm still a little scared.
next weekend i'm going to have the house to myself
it'll be like a trail run before september
i don't however want to spend friday night on my own
and i'm trying to decide whether or not to invite him round
but what would that suggest?
am i worring too much about expectations
especially my own
you'll have to forgive me, i'm not experienced in this area
"so we take a little me and we take a little you"
"so we take a little me and we take a little you"
and i'm still a little scared.
on monday i shall be getting my third tattoo
but i now i would also like a flamingo tattooed on my left ankle
i might have to
there is just something about them that i love
i just find it strange that i dislike the colour pink

for some reason whenever i have a small mental break down i feel the need to change my hair
i've been looking at alot of old photographs lately
i think i might have to dye my hair red again
i felt prettier with red hair
"you don't care about us, its your age, its my rage"
i should probably exercise more
lady of the house of love
i rele need kitchen utensils. :(