- Patrick Wolf
- Frank Turner
- Rumble Strips
- Billy Talent
- Anti-Flag
- Yeah Yeah Yeahs
these bands actually need to be in my pants
but i saw so many others i can't remember right now (i only had 2 hours sleep)
Sunday morning i had quite possibly the best bacon of my life
i feel in love 3 times with guys i saw in the crowd- didn't actually speak to any of them however
got felt up by an extremely drunk girl called Jess
made friends with a guy in a wedding dress
sat by the camp fire
snuggled with Harriet
stole my dads shirt
sang very loudly even though i had the worse sore throat *damn you flu*
gave my crate of strongbow to some random boy before we left-it would have been a waste and i definitely wasn't drinking at 7 in the morning
the cutest couple i saw all weekend was a Patrick Wolf look alike and an 80s new wave lookalike
boy at La Roux.... i had a mega crush on them
bought a military jacket for £3
had a space hopper race and won a pair of giant sunglasses and lots of sweets
i discovered that pear cider and strepcils cure flu symptoms
i got 13 text messages at once
i think i convinced my dad to get his first tattoo
submerged myself in the festival bubble-i don't want to know about the real world today
nearly lost my life at prodigy
bought a tshirt with a zombie on it
told a guy he had a nice lemon
oh i have some good pictures today
big sun glasses are fun
lady of the house of love
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