Monday, 31 May 2010

The Diary Of A Runner- Day Two.

The One Where My Thighs Ached.

- I fell asleep on the train. (Thank you for the sweat text message.)
- I realised I had a massive hole in my skirt and duly sewed it up in the car.
- People knew my name.
- I hoovered.
- I helped dress our location into two different time periods, which was fun, and Yau loved it, which made me feel all warm and fuzzy.
- We shot stuff on 16 in greyscale, which, quite frankly, gave me funny feelings in my tummy.
- I realised I want to be the person pointing cameras at things.
- I got to say "quiet on set" which pretty much made my day.
- I wished I was bilingual.
- I took people mini muffins.
- I brought cups.
- I didn't wear shoes.
- I made lots and lots and lots of coffee.
- I perfected the art of making the perfect cup of DOP tea.
- I left my house at seven and got back at nine. It was at about ten past nine I realised I hadn't pee-ed all day.

Being on a film set is actually better than sex, and we all know how good sex is.
But now I am tired and off to bed.

- Dagger.

The Diary Of A Runner- Day One.

The belated blog entry, aka, The One Where I Went Clubbing After.

Okay, I clearly failed at posting about my day last night, possibly due to the fact that I was throwing myself around a night club to The Arctic Monkeys/ ringing my flatmate to yell Florence + The Machine lyrics till about one this morning.

To be perfectly honest, there is not much to tell. I sat at base and tidied and read a book about cannibalism and eat some cereal bars. I secured location during lunch, and sat in our drivers van petting a staff and talking about film and tattoos and drug dealing. Then back to the pub to tidy some more, re-read my book about cannibalism and eat some crisps.

However, I had a delightfully nerdy conversation with three camera guys about film and aperture and drooled over the sexiest camera in the world, and firmly decided I love being on film sets, even when no one knows my name.

- Dagger.

Saturday, 29 May 2010

My Sheets Are Tearing From Sleeping In Too Long,

Sleeping In Too Long With You...

lady of the house of love

Random Thoughts:

- You once messaged me and said "I like my crazy bohemian girlfriend a lot a lot" and I don't even remember, but I found it this morning and it made me smile.
- I am vaguely aware you gave me really intense, love filled orgasms once upon a time, but I can't exactly remember how.
- I'm getting to the point where the thought of sleeping with you seems like a really good idea even when I haven't had a pint.
- I'm getting to the point where I'm actually considering spraying salt water in my hair.
- I really really can't wait for you to get back to Cambridge.
- Gok Wan is really not that great at putting outfits together.
- I have no idea how I ended up crunking in the middle of the dance floor to Dizzie Rascal last night with a pint in each hand, but I had a thoroughly good time doing it.
- I always have to be the big spoon.

So, later I am off to London to get some sleep and get up early to go and help people point cameras at things.
I love productivity.

- Dagger

Friday, 28 May 2010

Thursday, 27 May 2010

What On Earth Is Going On In My Heart?

What On Earth Is Going On In My Head?

You Know I Used To Be So Sure

lady of the house of love

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Today Is All About Cameras.

And general angst at the government.

Oh, and cider.

- Dagger.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

When I Crawl Into Your Arms, Everything Comes Tumbling Down

it must be bad if i'm listening to Nick Cave

lady of the house of love

Last Night.

So. Last night I had a dream I woke up and had mutton chops. My mother insisted I should try and cover them with my hair, but my hair wasn't long enough. I however, proceeded to try and kirby grip my mohawk to my mutton chops.

- Dagger.

Monday, 24 May 2010


- I got woken up by the sun coming through my window. Unlike the pigeon, I quite enjoyed this.
- I brought factor 50 sun cream.
- I did something different with my hair.
- I actually brought, and wore, flip flops.
- I realised how useless the tech guys at PC World are. "Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in again?"
- I accidentally text the wrong person, but it was not that traumatic.
- I sort of, maybe, changed my mind about my dissertation.
- I got blisters from my new flip flops.
- I remembered a short cut. Anyone who has ever tried to give me directions knows how miraculous this is.
- I felt brave.
- I drunk cider.
- I realised I drink too much cider.
- I text you lovely things.
- I wish I'd text him dirty things.
- I got slightly tipsy and detailed to my flatmate exactly how much I wanted to have sex with you. I then proceeded to chew my door frame.

Today has been slightly lovely.
I wore a really summery skirt.

- Dagger.

Ain't No Human Being

my red nail polish has stained my nails pink

and i have glue on my dress

and i can't find my hay fever tablets

lady of the house of love

I Still Love You, I Think.

You should see the camera this was taken on.

"The tools I create and work with are pinhole cameras. With pinhole photography, the same air that touches my subject can pass through the pinhole and touch the photo emulsion on the film. There’s no barrier between the two. There are no lenses changing and manipulating light. There are no chips converting light to binary code. With pinhole what you get is an unmanipulated true representation of a segment of light and time, a pure reflection of what is at that moment. With some exposure times getting close to 2 hours, it’s an unsegmented movie from a movie camera with only one frame.
The creation of a camera comes from my desire to relate to a subject. When I choose a subject I spend time studying it. Then I start visualizing how I would like a photo of the subject to look. When that’s figured out, I start on the camera stage of the project by collecting parts, artifacts and relics that relate to the subject. When I’ve gathered enough parts and feel for the subject, I start the construction of the camera. I create the cameras from Aluminum, Titanium, Copper, Brass, Bronze, Steel, Silver, Gold, Wood, Acrylic, Glass, Horn, Ivory, Bone, Human Bone, Human Skulls, Human Organs, Formaldehyde, HIV+ Blood and relics all designed to be the sacred bridge of a communion offering between myself and the subject. All to witness and be a tool of the horrors of creation and the beauty of decay presented by the author light and time."
Wayne Martin Belger.

I love being inspired.

- Dagger.

Sunday, 23 May 2010

It's You. It's Me

i would just like to know why i hate everything

and why i have a habit of pissing people off and ruining things

lady of the house of love

This Morning I Was Woken Up By A Pigeon Stuck In My Chimney.

That is, quite unfortunately, a true story.
And now it has stopped making noise so the RSPCA are not coming to help.

Non-film related revolutions:
- I should not be allowed to tweet/blog whilst drunk.
- I have nothing to wear in the summer.
- You send me such lovely text messages I think my face might fall off.
- I miss him too.
- I'm slightly curious what having sex with you would be like, even though we both know it would be awkward and you wouldn't anyway cos my self respect is important to you.
- You taught me how to open my heart to people, and although it hurt, I am thankful.
- All the creative people I know have such complex ideas about romance, yet epically fail at being in relationships.
- I really really want to buy myself a camera and see if I'm any good at this whole filming things issue.

Today is going to be a good day.
I found my hair brush.

- Dagger.

Saturday, 22 May 2010

The Text Message I Never Sent.

'Today I got drunk and watched American Idol. If you were here I'd make you watch Spanish cinema with me becuase I know you like Spanish cinema and I know you like close ups of type writters. I hope you feel better soon cos I miss you and I miss you missing me. J.'

Today I miss you, but that's okay.


Today I Feel So Pretty I Could Cry.

- Dagger.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Weep For Yourself My Man

i'm planning an epic sleeve- this needs to be on there somewhere

lady of the house of love
i made plans to go swimming this evening...
...totally forgetting the fact that i am covered in sex bruises


lady of the house of love

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Things I Am On The Verge Of Realising:

- Friends will pull through for you when girls and guys can't. You can snot on them and eat a whole tub of Ben and Jerrys in front of them and they still think you're beautiful. You can have silly arguments about how messy the living room is and then get drunk and come onto them.
- I actually have some of the best friends in the world.
- Futher more, I don't appreciate my friends enough.
- Things are hard, but things will get better.
- The sex has gone, but it's not the end of the world. There will be new sex. It probably won't be as good, and it probably won't mean as much, but that's not the end of the world either.
- I check my facebook too much.
- I always skimp on packing knickers.
- Fraiser is better than Jeremy Kyle.

- Dagger.

Monday, 17 May 2010


No picture today.

I need to stop reading technical film blogs I don't fully understand. I wish I could write deep and meaningful things about film, and colour and other things that have caused me to have violent emotional reactions today. I might just cry myself to sleep even though it's only half past five. Hopefully when I wake up I'll have a film to work on, something to wear and someone who loves me.

- Dagger.

"You Need To Be Prepared For All Permutations"

When dressing one must consider:

"wool, silk, cashmere, felt; suede, gabardine, worsted, tweed, velvet, mohair, pussyfur, bunnyfluff, moleskin, sharkskin, swansdown, eiderdown, seersucker, cocksucker etc. etc."

"herringbone, houndstooth, dogtooth, tartan, chalk stripe, pinstripe, prince of wales, prince of darkness, dot, spot, polka dot, plonker or what?"

" black: jet black, inky black, ebony black, and drug dealer black...
blue:sky-blue, cobalt, peacock, big cock...
red: scarlet, crimson, blood red, sin red, shoot-the-red, light red, great big fucking flag of danger red."

Sebastian Horsley- Dandy in the Underworld

lady of the house of love

We Are Beautiful

"if someone looks at you, you are not well dressed" - Beau Brummel

lady of the house of love

Saturday, 15 May 2010

i'm sorry for neglecting you all

but i've been rather busy doing absolutly nothing, sleeping in very late, watching t.v and having sex in the afternoon

lady of the house of love

Life Is Bigger.

And somehow I am okay.

- Dagger.

Friday, 14 May 2010

I'm Okay And I Understand.

- Dagger.

Last Night:

- We got brought drinks.
- Lots of people told me they loved me.
- I drunk cider through a straw.
- I got a lot of cider based dampness in my lap.
- I kissed a 34 year old.
- There was a Romanian in our flat.
- I fell asleep in the Cat Chair.
- I really needed someone to undress me, as I failed to do it myself.
- I slept topless.
- I dreamt we made up, then found out you'd slept with eleven other girls. I very much though this was real.

This morning I feel rough.

- Dagger.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Beautiful Pictures.

I keep on thinking I've lost my faith in love, but I haven't.
Good things will happen.

I have however lost my faith in British politics.

- Dagger

Today Is Fucking Beautiful.

Today I am beautiful.

- Dagger.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Last Night.

Last night I dreamt I went to our local and tried to order some cider, but they would only give me water and I got very upset.

I need to stop drinking so much.

- Dagger.

Monday, 10 May 2010


People should not take pictures of Jodie whilst she is intoxicated.

Things I have realised today:
- The Cambridge express is indeed an effective way of getting to Cambridge.
- I quite enjoy my womanly thighs.
- Her fella is actually quite fit.
- I want to be honest with you.
- I've started dealing with hangovers in a much more constructive fashion.
- I'm not sorry, R.
- I really need to tidy the living room.
- I still don't have any pins.
- I don't doubt us.

- Dagger.

Sunday, 9 May 2010


Me: I was singing the smiths!
Her: I know. Stop singing the Smiths.
Me: But! I am the smiths!
Her: LMAO! Ok you can be the Smiths
Me: And you can be the cure
Her: Uhmmm coool. Not really my choice but ok.

- Dagger.

A Man Chases A Girl Until She Catches Him

lady of the house of love

Today Is A Good Day

I am happy and you love me.

- Dagger.

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Even Though I Sit Upon Your Knee, You'll Get Tired Of Me

lady of the house of love

An Overtly Setimental Blog Post

I miss you being happy.
And I miss your guitarists fingers.

- Dagger.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

" to be 'well dressed' is not to have expensive clothes or the 'right' clothes. you can wear rags, so long as they suit you. style is not elegance but consistency."

Sebastian Horsley- Dandy in the Underworld

lady of the house of love

You Have My Heart.

Alba Rohrwacher by Peter Linbergh.

And you can keep it cos it's happy with you.

- Dagger.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

I'm Too Tired I'm So Sick And Tired And I'm Feeling Very Sick And Ill Today .

Things are not better in the morning.

I need to leave in eleven minutes and I'm still in my bath robe crying and listening to The Smiths.
I don't know why I am crying. Yesterday was beautiful and you were beautiful but I still couldn't breathe.
I can't stop crying and I want to go back to bed and never ever wake up.

I need a hug.
I need something to eat.
I need someone to listen to me.

- Dagger.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

An Angsty Blog Post.

I am so fucking sick of being the one you all rely on. I'm so fucking tired of giving you a place to stay, of answering your tearful phone calls,of giving you space,of giving you time,of spending hours talking about your new girlfriend even though it breaks my heart. And not one of you can answer my call whilst I'm laying in bed, shaking, vomiting and loosing someone I love.

It's times like this that I remember in my youthful exuberance why I burnt myself so often and so deep. I am too fragile for this, I am too hopefuul for this and I need someone here right now.

I can't breathe.

- Dagger.

Had To Get Away Dear

please excuse the lack of blogging... i have been too busy hardcore working

but believe me after next tuesday you will have my undivided attention

lady of the house of love


I am free, but I am not strong.

The homeless man who lives on the bench outside my flat has started to remind me of you.
I am ever so apologetic for the appalling phone conversation that is about to happen.

- Dagger.

I'd Probably Cry.

Reasons Today Is Beautiful:

- The super 8 film came.
- I figured out how to construct pleats.
- I got told I am missed.
- I danced around my kitchen to The Cure.
- I got a really sweet text message off a really sweet someone.
- I feel ever so romantic.
- There is feta cheese.
- I am finally figuring out what next year is going to be about.
- I am really looking forward to kissing a certain someone.
- My hair looks nice.

Today is a good, good day. Even though I'm wearing zebra print leggings.

- Dagger.

Monday, 3 May 2010

I Couldn't Find My Shoe

And Then I Found My Shoe And Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now.

- Dagger.

Sunday, 2 May 2010

I've Got No Fame, I've Got No Glory, I've Got No Big Mansions, I've Got No Money!

I am happy today.
Even though I feel ever so rough.

Things that make me happy:
- Getting things done.
- The word 'vulgar'.
- Feeling crative.
- 'Singing in the rain.'
- Being kissed.
- White chocolate.
- Moving pictures.
- Cups of tea perfectly made.
- Being naked with you (this is especially lovely.)
- Donald O'Connor.

- Dagger.

The World That I Wanted

i used to believe that broken things were beautiful

but now i'm not so sure

lady of the house of love

Hold the fort.

Ive temporarily hijacked this blog to send my love to you all.

Im going to write a blogging song this afternoon.


Saturday, 1 May 2010

Further Than The Dance Floor.

Last night I snuck out of my house at midnight to go to the pub.

It was worth it. Today was beautiful.

- Dagger.