Saturday, 29 May 2010

Random Thoughts:

- You once messaged me and said "I like my crazy bohemian girlfriend a lot a lot" and I don't even remember, but I found it this morning and it made me smile.
- I am vaguely aware you gave me really intense, love filled orgasms once upon a time, but I can't exactly remember how.
- I'm getting to the point where the thought of sleeping with you seems like a really good idea even when I haven't had a pint.
- I'm getting to the point where I'm actually considering spraying salt water in my hair.
- I really really can't wait for you to get back to Cambridge.
- Gok Wan is really not that great at putting outfits together.
- I have no idea how I ended up crunking in the middle of the dance floor to Dizzie Rascal last night with a pint in each hand, but I had a thoroughly good time doing it.
- I always have to be the big spoon.

So, later I am off to London to get some sleep and get up early to go and help people point cameras at things.
I love productivity.

- Dagger

1 comment:

  1. OI SEXY BITH! I lost my fucjking phnnnn :( I[;ll tlk to yo later sexbomb :D Love youuuu Mwahhh! :d XXXXXXXX L.D
