Monday, 31 August 2009

Yes I Followed You To The Gym.

I honestly do not watch this film enough anymore.

- Dagger.

Second Kisses.

I'd So Toast Her Note.

I really crave needles in my hands.
My inky fingers intwined with yours.

There is something so romantic about knuckle tattoos.

They sit on opposite sides of the sofa.
Let's never be like that. Let's always hold hands.

- Dagger.

Men I May Not Know..

...But Shoes I Know!
(if you know where this comes from you get a big hug)

so i've spent the last 5 days are reading festival

spent the whole festival with flu! which was super bad times

so i tried to spend the time dosed up... my handbag was like a pharmacy-lem sip capsules, strepcils and cough mixture lol thankyou for bringing the supplies dad

best bands of the weekend:
  • Patrick Wolf
  • Frank Turner
  • Rumble Strips
  • Billy Talent
  • Anti-Flag
  • Yeah Yeah Yeahs

these bands actually need to be in my pants

but i saw so many others i can't remember right now (i only had 2 hours sleep)

so here are some general facts of the weekend:

Sunday morning i had quite possibly the best bacon of my life

i feel in love 3 times with guys i saw in the crowd- didn't actually speak to any of them however

got felt up by an extremely drunk girl called Jess

made friends with a guy in a wedding dress

sat by the camp fire

snuggled with Harriet

stole my dads shirt

sang very loudly even though i had the worse sore throat *damn you flu*

gave my crate of strongbow to some random boy before we left-it would have been a waste and i definitely wasn't drinking at 7 in the morning


the cutest couple i saw all weekend was a Patrick Wolf look alike and an 80s new wave lookalike

boy at La Roux.... i had a mega crush on them

bought a military jacket for £3

had a space hopper race and won a pair of giant sunglasses and lots of sweets

i discovered that pear cider and strepcils cure flu symptoms

i got 13 text messages at once

i think i convinced my dad to get his first tattoo

submerged myself in the festival bubble-i don't want to know about the real world today

nearly lost my life at prodigy

bought a tshirt with a zombie on it

told a guy he had a nice lemon

oh i have some good pictures today

big sun glasses are fun

lady of the house of love

Kick me.

Fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave.

Straddle my skull.

- Dagger.
We just re-invented sex.


Sunday, 30 August 2009

I Was Waiting For This.

If you are this boy you slightly need to be in my mouth.

- Dagger.

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Let's Never Get Married.

Stalk this lady.

Are you just going to stand there and drool?

- Dagger.
"My father warned me about men and booze, but he never mentioned a word about women and cocaine."

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Can't Get It Up If The Girl's Still Breathing?

She Inspires Me.

It's been so many years, so many years.

Put your hand up if you actually get my obscure references. I THRIVE for you to understand me, compleate me , hold me, dance with me.

So. Today I feel really insecure about my breasts.

- Dagger.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009


I would.

- Dagger.


designed by Li Xiaofeng

actually rocks my world

lady of the house of love

Got No Friends, Got No Lover

(its sad cos its true)

so i nearly didn't get to go to reading festival
i nearly had a nervous break down
the post office lost my ticket
but they found it again and it should turn up tomorrow
so now i can go back to being excited

but there are loads of band clashes... bad times
florence and the machine or placebo?
maximo park, maccabees or madcaddies?
but some more good news... i can definately see patrick wolf

the of this post was generally fuck my life

todays picture- last years camp site... isn't the sky pretty?
lady of the house of love

Monday, 24 August 2009

The First Name I'm Going To Call

so today i'm suffering a bit
we'll call it flu but i'm clearly making it out to be worse than it is
i'm a bit of a drama queen...i'm sure you've worked this out
as long as i'm better for thursday everything will be fine

i've spent all day in my pjs
and now i'm going to get in the shower
colour my hair
and put some more pjs on

i still haven't called student finance

and last night i had a dream about a pregnant woman being tattooed

the night before i dreamt about caterpillars crawling on my feet

i need to sort my brain out

and find my creativity and my motivation

can you help me?

lady of the house of love

Which In A Way Annoyed Me.

“Life is intrinsically, well, boring and dangerous at the same time. At any given moment the floor may open up. Of course, it almost never does; that's what makes it so boring.”
- Edward Gorey.

Feeling inspired today.

- Dagger.

He Just Loved To Live That Way.

I was actually in the mellow-est mood before I noticed your casual homophobia.

Viva la revolution.

- Dagger.

Sunday, 23 August 2009

I'm Sorry You're Out.

She Takes Pretty Pictures.

I literally have no idea what to wear tonight.
And I've just realised this towel that's been on my bed all day is actually really wet and actually smells really bad.

Good times.

- Dagger

Its Been A Long Time Since I've Seen You Smile

I'm in love!
Alberto Vargas

lady of the house of love

"Do Not Read Beauty Magazines They Will Only Make You Feel Ugly"

I Can't Believe Its Not Jesus

"Emily please don't wave that tattoo at me"

so yesterday i spent the day in camden... got a fabulously fabulous shirt dress... which you will no doubt see at some point

and i also got a fabulously fabulous leather jacket

i love that my dad isn't afraid to buy my love

on a sad note... there will be no church for Lady tonight as the folks are working til late and i am sadly left with the children, have an awesome time everyone!

i love you all

lady of the house of love


- Dagger

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Might We Visit?

Following on from my previous train of thought... this tattoo made my day.
It actually did.

- Dagger.

Never More.

I'd forgotten how much this inspires me.

- Dagger.


We are popular.

- Dagger.

Friday, 21 August 2009

“ladies stop fussin’ about your stretch marks, they mean 1 of 2 things; either you was big and got small, or small and got big…. either way we fuckin’”

- Dagger

Get Out Of Bed We're Going To The Beach.

I really really want some sushi right now.

- Dagger


"isn't that a very dramatic statement to make on your arm?"
"probably but its true"
"nah i totally get it i'm just saying"
why do my boobs look so insane in this picture?
i love my Y
lady of the house of love

We Kiss Like We Don't Need To Breathe.

Today has been all about tattoos.

"Did you see her neck tat man? That shit is sick!"
It's on my collarbones actually, but thanks you random bus chavs!

- Dagger.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

"I Didn't Know About Bob Dylan."

Some people just have no idea. About life.

- Dagger.

For More Information.

Dead Boys And Lost Girls.

So. I woke up at six this morning, drunk half a cold cup of tea and went back to bed.

Me: "Why do you look so happy?"
Him: "Cos I woke up and there's a hot girl in my bed."

Oh. Life. It's quite good sometimes.

- Dagger.

Lights Out You Punks!

The internet is a bad influence on me.

- Dagger.

You Knew You Were Lost

for some reason i have a habit of posting when i'm cooking...
on today's menu:
sausage and mash
with broccoli and gravey
*thumbs up action*

yesterday i said i would give myself something to work towards so here is my list of things to complete within the next 2 months:
  1. tidy my bedroom

  2. organise my magazines

  3. decide what clothes to take with me to university

  4. give some old clothes to charity

  5. decide what shoes to take with me to univeristy

  6. finish my summer project

  7. draw

  8. swim

  9. dance

  10. buy: pillows, new bed covers, pans, a toaster, a kettle, an iron and ironing board, lamp, a bin, a mini fridge and a sandwich toaster

  11. take all the pictures off my wall

  12. get rid of my clutter

  13. make a new bag

  14. print and organise photos of friends and family

  15. buy stuff i need for reading

  16. have an awesome time at reading

  17. blog about this people actually care about

  18. go to a cabaret

  19. make mix c.ds for car journey to reading fest

  20. pack up books and dvds

  21. move to university

  22. don't cry

  23. buy a student cook book

  24. kiss my family goodbye

  25. talk to strangers

  26. make friends

  27. go to clubs

  28. drink

  29. find the important places

  30. find out whats going on with my student loans

  31. make it through freshers week
  32. kiss

not neccissarily in this order though

i'll let you know if i stick to it- my next post will include my plan for the next year

because i need a picture:

its been rather hot lately hasn't it

lady of the house of love

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Stormy Weather

i'm sick of feeling like i'm just floating through life so i decided that i need to make myself some goals.

so i'm going to make my self a list of all the things i want to achieve:
in the next month
the next year
the next 5 years
and the next 10 years

and see if that makes me feel any better

i'll let you know how it goes

lady of the house of love


Tuesday, 18 August 2009

I want to talk to you about stuff but I don't know how.

- Dagger.

Your Lips Re-Write History.

- Dagger.

Monday, 17 August 2009


Him: "Wait a minute. You have your own flat? Why are we not staying there tonight?"
Me: "Ummmmm. Because it's about an hour and a half away?"

I miss Cambridge.


First Sight.

Why are you still responding?
Happily. My mum and dad on their wedding day.

- Dagger.

Maybe This Time

Everybody Loves A Winner So Nobody Loves Me
Lady Peaceful, Lady Happy, That's What I Want To Beeeeee!

i need to find this DVD right now
my life depends on it

lady of the house of love

Do You Read Our Blog?

You Should.
It Will Change Your Life.

- Dagger

Ding Ding Ding Went The Bell


its official i've lost the plot

and i don't want to do fashion anymore

cos i hate it and it hates me

and i hate it cos it hates me

and i hates me cos i hate it

and we hate each other

and thats because we didn't get enough hate in our childhoods

if you know what this is from i will hunt you down and lick your face

i'm going to find something for me to do for a while before i pull my eyes out

also Rufus does Judy FOR THE WIN

anyone doing Judy ftw to be honest

lady of the house of love

Nobody Said This Was Fancy Dress

i currently only have mascara on my right eye... i got distracted whilst trying to apply makeup
about to go out and buy my mum a birthday cake

my god I'm hungry today

i may have to have another 2 slices of toast

the bus driver nearly ripped my off this morning, i mean £3 to go 3 stops unreal, luckily he realised and gave me back £1.50... good times

we really do need to form David's Crotch


(that should be the first song on the album)

i watch some more ANTM during breakfast

i really was quite drunk in the end...and i remembered as i always do that i should not drink pints cos i have to pee every five minutes but luckily for me no hang over ftw i know its bad for you but i love the giggles it gives me

i need to be educated in the ways of metaaaaaaalllll

also how can this not make you smile?
it rocks my pants!

lady of the house of love


Tick Tock.

I love:
- Reading my ex's blog.
- Being up in time for Jeremy Kyle.
- Being inspired.
- Feeling good about the way I look.
- Being able to say I'm a model.
- Having more tattoos than anyone else in the room.
- My drunk best friend.
- Being asked if we're a couple.
- Sweet kisses outside taxi ranks.
- Little boys who think they eat girls like me for breakfast.
- My Portuguese tee-shirt.
- David bowie.

True Story.

- Dagger.

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Catch That Pigeon.

At the station, at the station.
In the club, in the club.
At the chip van, at the chip van.
Peeing in an alley, peeing in an alley.
Chatting to David, chatting to David.
In the taxi, in the taxi.
How's your penis, how's your penis?
That's a nice manbag, that's a nice manbag.


-Dagger/Lady (A very very drunk Lady who happens to be on a blow up matress on my floor.)

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Invaders Must Die.

Prepare yourself for a joint post again.

Lady and Dagger in the kitchen. House wives in training.

Topic of conversation: How we will make our names in the world of Burlesque.
Failing this, we shall run away and form a band called "David's Crotch." Our new album, "Intense Crotch Shot" will be coming soon to an underground record shop near you.


pasta everyday woop!
"Have some cheese... this is me cooking"

we might be back for another post when loading up the dishwasher/tomorrow night


lady and Dagger


Friday, 14 August 2009

When You're Not Looking He'll Put His Cock In Your Pint.

I Like To Dance.

This word scares me, but I feel really lonely tonight.

My head is buzzing tonight.

I took a pregnancy test this morning.
I sat cross legged on the bathroom floor and giggled on the phone the whole time and literally had no opinion on the whole situation.

For the last couple of days I've been craving a physical encounter. But tonight I'm realising it's slightly more than that.
I'm craving a chest to lay on right now.
I'm craving comprehension right now.
I'm craving a distraction right now.

I'm also craving an amazing night of pleasure if I'm allowed to say things like that.

Oh. Fuck it. I actually typed real things again.


I Don't Like My Clothes Anymore...

so i took them off and now i'm cooking in my underwear

cooking for one is a sad and depressing thing

and i'm not sure i've had that much of a good day

i've spent most of it alone

with t.v and music and novels

and the whole way home from work i didn't see a single person

at 7 o clock on friday evening?!?

and now suddenly mince meat looks like brains spilled on concrete

and peppers have that strange fleshy interior that always makes me feel slightly uncomfortable

and onions make me cry but they smell so good when they are cooking

lady of the house of love

Life Is Bigger.

This. It inspires me.

Let's go dancing again.


I Used To Wish I Had Skinny Legs.

Me and her.

So. I had a lovely conversation with the American last night. We told each other naughty things, and we told each other we loved each other and it made me very very happy.


Thursday, 13 August 2009

You Learn

"I recommend getting your heart trampled on to anyone,
I recommend walking around naked in your living room"

Alanis love

so what is the difference between sea lions and seals?
if you know i would really like to know

C- "well not obviously not that, that's a dolphin"

lady of the house of love

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Dead Ringer For Love

this is Comme des Garcon based... clearly
(for summer project)

i have new hair! i'll take a picture after i've coloured it... it'll be blue if the colour takes

"Since im feeling kinda lonely my defences are low why dont we give it a shot?.. get ready to go?...i wanna tell my daddy i'm missing in action"

lady of the house of love

Dirty Woman.


You're Crazy, But I Like The Way You Fuck Me.


Tuesday, 11 August 2009

When You Came In The Air Went Out

so i have fully made the decision to invite him next week, if he says no however, that will be embarassing for everyone involved.

and i've actually worked on my summer project!
i nearly have comme des garcon out of the way and then its onto to maison martin margiela.
i hope what i'm doing is right.
right now i'm cutting out hands in pink paper
which is actually more fun than it sounds,
i have rather small wrists
and discovered that cotton wool scans quite well.

now i must go for dinner

"i don't want to know about evil, i just want to know about love"

lady of the house of love

Monday, 10 August 2009

Dancing With The Rude Boys.

No Comment.



Lady In RED.

It's moments like this that I can close my eyes and believe it when you tell me I'm beautiful.


Does The Body Rule The Mind

Or Does The Mind Rule The Body? I Dunno

this weekend i discovered that metal is fun!
but really i'm happy in any situation where dancing around like a loon is acceptable
am i going next week?
hell yes!

so today Dagger and I were strolling casually to nandos with cling film on our feet and blood seeping into our shoes when we were shouted at by a small boy
"hey sex pistols rock!"
which lets face it is not the normal thing we here when we walk to the road, even when i am wearing a god save the queen shirt. so we turn around and to our surprise and pleasure he is was wearing a gallows t-shirt.
we appreciated this boy muchly i can tell you

after leaving Dagger to go home i waited for a train for half an hour and whilst fiddling with my cling film got evil looks from several business type men... it was rather awkward for everyone involved.

however when i got back home and was again waiting for public transportation i had a rather lovely conversion with an old lady in a pink floral blouse who was waiting for the same bus as me. after some more cling film fiddling she says to me
"did you just have that done?"
and asking me about 20 questions on the tattoo process she then moved on to me my hair style
"have you just had that done as well?"
i love cool old ladies like this
most of the time they just move to the seat furthest away from me on the bus

number 4 here i come

i'm sorry i don't have a picture for you right now

Am I Still Ill?

lady of the house of love


Lost Soul.

Beautiful ladies.

So. Last night the DJ played Lovecats and my automatic reaction was "Let's ring Lady."
Then I realised she was standing right in front of me and I thought I was going to die with happiness.

So. Today we got tattoos.


If I Could Force You To Love Me I Would.

We are SO joint blogging right now.
The best thing about joint blogging? We're sitting here in our pjs dancing to Rock Lobster.
I love my life.
so last night I actually went out! shock horror gasp!
but anyway what was i saying?
I don't understand why boys in fiestas with body kits feel the need to beep their horns at girls like us.
i hate this tiny tiny laptop
and so i have some of the worst new ever! my tattooist called me this morning and cancelled fml
i need some ink TODAY PEOPLE
last night at aprox. 2 in the morning Dagger had a thought... does exist? apparently it does and the website is shit however is a different story... Lord of Life apparently contemporary outside worship is the way to go... who knew?
*does l.o.l action
you know what though... its nights like this that make me realise i quite love life
and i quite love that lace top that gets me hit on
hell yeah
we love you all dear readers
Dagger and Lady

Sunday, 9 August 2009


I'm just about wetting myself in excitment over life.


You Give Me Fever

J: so what exactly am i advising?
E: you know general awesome sexness

When Her Daddy Tried To Kill Him... She Said Oh Daddy Oh Don't You Dare He Give Me Fever!

Fever! I'm His Misses Oh Daddy Won't You Treat Him Right

so i hear the should is big this season, shoulder pads make my head look tiny

Peggy Lee rocks my world

lady of the house of love

I Want To Do Bad Things To You.

Fuck you punk.

My mum is making a cake and she's letting me lick the bowl.
I love life.


Saturday, 8 August 2009

How Curious.

I'm in love with how you feel.
- Dagger.

Then You Will Die Oh Please Don't Die

so today i bought my first set of kitchen utencils, i never thought i would get excited about tea towels or making sure that my oven gloves match the colour scheme or whether or not i'm going to need a set of storage boxes...but you know what? it was fun...
but i'm still a little scared.

next weekend i'm going to have the house to myself
it'll be like a trail run before september
i don't however want to spend friday night on my own
and i'm trying to decide whether or not to invite him round
but what would that suggest?
am i worring too much about expectations
especially my own
you'll have to forgive me, i'm not experienced in this area
"so we take a little me and we take a little you"

and i'm still a little scared.

on monday i shall be getting my third tattoo
but i now i would also like a flamingo tattooed on my left ankle
i might have to
there is just something about them that i love
i just find it strange that i dislike the colour pink
but i'm still a little scared

for some reason whenever i have a small mental break down i feel the need to change my hair
i've been looking at alot of old photographs lately
i think i might have to dye my hair red again
i felt prettier with red hair

"you don't care about us, its your age, its my rage"
i should probably exercise more
lady of the house of love

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Put Some Sugar In My Bowl.

I think everyone should Google Image themselves.


What Do You Want?

This picture makes me really really happy.

- Dagger.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Still Ill.

I'm trying to act like a normal functioning human being but can't quite work out how.

So, instead I'm sitting here at 1:23 in the morning listening to really angry punk music and watching lesbian porn.

I tried to express myself somewhat within the conventional forms of writing last night and I have a sinking feeling to most people I was still pretty incomprehensible. So viva la thought vomit.
Anarchy rules.


And The Blind Bird Dies

i have been awake for for 4 hours, it is now 17.32
do you ever have the feeling that you really need to sort your life out
i should be doing something more productive with my summer
but it would seem i have been rejected by the people that i spent most of the year with
and fashion and art are no longer important
and right at this second i would be happy to coast along forever, its too much effort to put yourself 'out there'
i wish i could play a musical instrument
and i wish my face was more symmetrical...

...because i am breathless without you
because i still think this lamp post is beautiful

because i would still like to think that i can see the beauty in everything, except for myself

lady of the house of love

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Kill My Lioness.

No pictures tonight.

I don't fully know how to express how I'm feeling.
I'm not sure that anyone would care even if I could.
I'm not sure anyone gets quite what I write on here.
But tonight I'm going to try and express myself in plain words. No fragments, no pictures, no imagery of how much I want to turn my lungs inside out.

And now I don't know where to start.

I'm laying on my parents sofa. I feel asleep here last night and had to peel my face off the stupid fake leather.
I wish I'd never shaved my head. I have too much flesh on my stomach and not enough on my breasts.
I honestly can't bare to look at myself in the mirror, it disgusts me.
I'm curled up in the fetal position. And I want so badly for someones arms to be around me, for someone to kiss my forehead and my neck and to whisper into my ear that nothing bad is ever going to happen again. That this is as low as I can get, that it's all uphill from here.
The person I want to be here the most is about 3,000 miles away and never coming back.
And even though typing that, and re-reading it, makes my heart hurt and my tears sting, it is not the worst pain.
I doubt everything and I wish I didn't. There's tears and snot running down my face and I want to bury myself in my duvet and never show my face again, but it's too hot.
I doubt everything and I wish I know how not to. I want to have faith when you tell me you miss me. I want to have faith in that last kiss. I want to have faith that you are at least feeling some of this pain with me.
But the truth is, I look at myself and I disconnect myself and I couldn't imagine anyone feeling that strongly about someone like me.

Everyone has always expected me to be okay and I can't really do it anymore.


I'm Shipping Off To Find My Wooden Leg.

This Is What I Do.

"Talking of meatloaf, how is the love life?"

- Dagger.