you know i have not bought a fashion magazine in a very long time
so i have no idea whats going on in the rest of the fashion world

i should probably go and do something now
There are no boys in my head right now. Okay, maybe one. Missing him SO.
- Dagger.
and now i've decided that i really need to tidy my room
well that is all i really have to add today, i've been at work all day and now i really need to go and put dinner on.. fun fun fun
farewell all
lady of the house of love
cardigan- primark
t-shirt- sigur ros gig see-
shorts- topshop
cardigan- topman
shirt- patrick wolf gig see-
skirt- vintage
leggings- topshop
shoes- faith
belt- new look
as you can see i've been testing out the new additions in my wardrobe, getting dressed is fun when you've got new stuff to try one
'i would definatley say you were a punk'
until next time dear reader
lady of the house of love
Bring on tomorrow.
-V. Dagger
and of course everyone knows that flamingoes are the best birds... mostly for the camp value
Anyway. Should be doing some form of uni work. Shall leave you to enjoy the glorious weather of today!
-V. Dagger.
It's kind of a petticoat to go under a poofy jacket I've been making. I'm sure I'll possibly show you all one day. It needs three more layers of netting under there... aka why I'm going to be up so late tonight!
Anyway, off to shower, to change out of my pjs, then owards and upwards to work!
Have a good day lovers,
V. Dagger
So Is Your Face
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