Sunday, 10 May 2009

I Want To Be A Housewife

Okay. Last night was AMAZING.
It's like he plucks the thoughts out of my mind and makes them far more eloquent. It's so good knowing you're not the only muppet wandering around being depressed about that kind of thing.
Also, the guy standing next to us had some cute inkage that made me actually pine for more lol.

Seeing my Lady again was actually, I don't know. Indescribable. "I miss you like... like... like I'd miss toothbrushes if someone decided to take away the world supply of toothbrushes!"
I'll leave it to her to post pictures. I don't think I managed an outfit post, which is a shame cos I found an adorable vintage dress jacket in my wardrobe here in London which is clearly travelling back to Cambridge with me.

Anyway. Should be doing some form of uni work. Shall leave you to enjoy the glorious weather of today!

-V. Dagger.

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